
Teacher Self-Care 101

There is an incredible amount of personal fulfillment and pride that comes from the teaching profession. The best teachers make a remarkable impact on their students and create a rippling difference as those students progress throughout their life. Unfortunately, a lot of what goes into becoming such a magnificent teacher will require a great deal of sacrifice and stress. In some instances, it may feel like a losing battle as even the institutions these teachers work for are unwilling to provide them with the resources they need or continuously increase their classroom sizes making it difficult to have as much of an impact on their students. When trying to create the best possible experience for their students, it’s easy for teachers to lose themselves in the process. The stress can consume them, which is apparent in the high rates of turnover and teacher burnout. Realizing this, it’s imperative for these teachers to practice self-care. Truly taking the time to process their feelings and identifying ways to handle them effectively is a must if any teacher hopes to avoid burnout. For more information on how teachers can do this, be sure to read on to the resource covered within this post.

Teacher Self-Care 101

Check out Teacher Self-Care 101, provided by Curriculum Associates; an organization specializing in formative assessment strategies.

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